“The other thing that bugs me about the welfare groups is that they think that keeping livestock can be reduced to geometry. They like to write rules that hens need a certain amount of perch space, some number of square feet of floor space, and so on. (It reminds me of the incredibly lame propaganda coming over Radio Moscow and Radio Peking in the Seventies, which couldn’t tell the difference between steel production and quality of life.)
But in reality, rules are largely just a distraction from the serious business of paying attention to what’s going on, and changing what you do accordingly. It’s the difference between managing the process and managing the outcome. You can often get the same outcome using wildly differing techniques, depending on how you balance different trade-offs. Actual skill is involved. ”
‑R. Plamondon
My kind of guy. Down to earth, out there doing the good work, getting after it. Reminds me of Steve Solomon.
Dig it. http://www.plamondon.com/faq_welfare.html