****, you knew this was coming. 🙂
Another idea that just wouldn’t let me sleep through the creativity of the morning hours. Between 3 and 5 am I give all credit for my work to unknown muses. Jesus I’m lucky!
In short: A course for the sons of the ultra-rich teaching them the meaning of being a good man through the example of a group of mature and experienced men (the 3 of us plus whoever.) $300k/6 weeks a year split into at least 3 periods, plus travel/expenses. Each boy/young man travels with our group which consists of a consistent core supplemented by the many good men and women we know. The parents/guardians or our group can set the itinerary, once the train leaves the station we run the show. Campfires in the mountains are as appropriate and necessary as flying the G5 into Bhutan to meet the royal family. Exposure to good authors, good whiskey and a big rainbow on a 4 weight are all desirable yet only starting points. Projects to consider involve as much manual labor and mistakes as they do perfection and management of privilege. The end goal is to induce our clients to become good men within their sphere of influence. While the $300k (or more) covers one year, we should expect to act as lifelong mentors to every client and their parents.
A tribal approach
It takes a village to raise a child, yet it takes something more to raise a good man. From time immemorial mature groups of experienced men have ushered boys into manhood leading by disciplined example. Widely practiced yet rarely captured in writing, these teachings have resurfaced through the millenia.
Today we know it as cooperative learning, yet it has many names; the Greeks developed the Socratic method, Native Americans called it coyote teaching and it has revealed itself in the styles of modern masters Bruce Lee and Lama Ole Nydahl. Across time and cultures the fundamentals of shaping a good man have remained the same; tell me, show me, watch me.
The qualities required to bring up a young man vary widely and include much beyond the discourse and influence of one human, hence we provide group and individual examples.
In every culture there has existed a small and dedicated group of teachers who have consecrated their lives to raising wayward boys of potential to men of power and influence for good.
Using multiple experiences alternating between diffuse example and intense learning our group provides a collective model for privileged young men to emulate. As the young elephant knows not his own capability and so is capable of doing much harm without intention, ending up hunted and driven, so too may a young man with the many blessings of power and wealth be led astray from doing good in the world. Our purpose is to show each young man his power and ability for good through a living example of excellence in mind, body, and spirit.
Made up of mature men from all walks of life, our group embodies the fundamentals of honor, integrity, and excellence. Each man brings a breadth and depth of experience in discipline that is constantly demonstrated in every action. The requirements to teach our method include the lifelong test of performance and are varied across disciplines; our experience range from wilderness fire management to degrees in astronomy and medicine, from military special operations to non-profit work. Through all this we provide a level and quality of teaching and example unmatched in today’s educational arena.
The power of such a group should not be underestimated, a lone swimmer feels not the speed of a wide river yet the banks pass swiftly by.
Undeveloped Ideas:
‑All of us have made mistakes and believe/know those mistakes are as important in the learning process as the dedication to excellence
A core plus the usual (and long) list of suspects acting as guest stars with various lengths of exposure: **** etc. Your best men, I’m not worried about finding good dudes. With 2 weeks at a pop to shape the young gun we’re probably limited to 5 or 6 mentors at a time…
Initial assessment: $10,000 over 3 days
$300,000/6 weeks spread out over a year, 10–14 days at a time
What this ain’t:
‑We’re not out to show rich people poor people. We understand that the children of the world’s wealthy do not have to ever experience lack, and we wish to teach them to live in their world with.…arete. If we come across lack or it makes sense to introduce a young man to the rigors of poverty we execute that mission without mercy and every intention of good, but we ain’t doing non-profit work.
Guiding Quotes & Thinkers (Feel free to add your own in here and send it back):
There is nothing good or bad yet thinking makes it so ‑Epictetus
Man, know thyself. ‑Oracle at Delphi
What is your profession? Being a good man. ‑Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. ‑Eleanor Roosevelt