
J/22 Odyssey- California To Jamaica & Beyond!

This was orig­i­nal­ly writ­ten for SAILING Mag­a­zine, and is pub­lished here with the con­sent of the Scha­nen fam­i­ly (own­ers of the J/145 MAIN STREET on Lake Michi­gan– http://sailingmagazine.net). Once every 24 hours, for a scant 15 min­utes or so, waves break on the Pacif­ic side of the Pana­ma Canal. The break is less than 200 yards from the

J/22 Odyssey- California To Jamaica & Beyond! Read More »


I am an edge­walk­er. I am some strange amphib­ian in a world of lakes and raised dikes. I cross from one body of water to anoth­er, swim­ming on the sur­face, per­haps por­pois­ing down, though nev­er to the bot­tom. The bot­tom is deep­er than I am will­ing to go. I wan­der always, rest­less to see more.

Edgewalker Read More »

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