I’ve been building my run training around hard stuff. You know, hills, sprints, uneven terrain, even ruck runs. It never occurred to me to add some long and flat distance in, so I was interested when Lauren brought up a Mission Bay/Fiesta Island run.
At 8 or 9 miles it was a little longer than I’ve gone, but hell, it’s flat! I had remembered Lauren as a little slower than me on our last long run, but it wasn’t speed, she just wasn’t used to the terrain I’d been training on.
When we got on her turf I was puffing to keep up. She is a no-shit good runner, which is a welcome and awesome surprise. We finished up the run at a slightly more than brisk pace, the natural competitiveness coming out in each of us until we were just a tick off of sprinting to the finish. Polished off with some striders, this was an excellent re-intro to the world of flat land running. Totally dig it!