re. let’s talk about land

Rad, glad you’re dig­gin’ old Dot’s stuff.  I think she’s a total star.

I meant to write no water “to” prop­er­ty, mean­ing I don’t need a line run in, I’ll do my own catch­ment or well.

I don’t think hold­ing out is a waste of time; that’s how we get what we want some­times.  Unless the deal of the cen­tu­ry comes along, I’d rather wait.

Prob­a­bly the best thing to do is to refine some def­i­n­i­tions of what we want/need.

I was think­ing on the dri­ve home about who I want to buy it from, and it’s prob­a­bly some­one that does­n’t need to sell it, but who would sell it to some­one who will take care of it.  Those peo­ple are hard­er to find than just get­ting a par­cel of land, but hell, that’s what makes the even­tu­al home­stead so special.

An aban­doned quar­ry, an old butch­er shop, a place where I can make engine noise dur­ing the day, a large enough place to have a workshop…all those are parts or pos­si­ble parts of the per­fect site.  When I think about it, I don’t know if I real­ly want to be 20 miles away from every­thing, I *like* the com­forts of civ­i­liza­tion for my every day life.  Old thick tim­bers, indus­tri­al strength “stuff”, sim­ple and pow­er­ful and clean lines, nat­ur­al light…there’s a lot to list, and find­ing it may take a few years.  Even if it is close to town I’m not super wor­ried that I’ll “urban­ize” up there, hell, it’s not like Mon­tana is lack­ing pub­lic wilder­ness to explore.

Equal­ly impor­tant is the finan­cial side.  I won’t bor­row mon­ey to buy land, and right now I won’t use the mon­ey I have to buy land, so…that means I’ve got to come up with a plan of how I am going to pay for it.  Maybe it’s not just mon­ey, maybe we find an old War­ren Buf­fet type who wants a stew­ard, I don’t know…

I’m inter­est­ed in pur­su­ing co-pur­chas­ing land with you, but I can’t say Lee is as stoked about it, and hell, you’ve got your own deci­sion to make as to whether you want to buy land with Lee & I.  I’m pret­ty sure I could tuck away $100/month, but I’d want to write out some kind of def­i­n­i­tion first of why I was sav­ing and what I was sav­ing for, and how much I want­ed to save before I start­ed look­ing, and those just aren’t clear enough to me right now.

Maybe I should start any­way, the longest jour­ney starts with 1 step and all that.

More to fol­low around a camp­fire or on the phone.


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