I found I love the American West, that there’s a whole hell of a lot of country out there that is still pretty untouched, that there’s nothing like the warm rays of first light on a cold desert morning, that freedom is worth running fast and loose for, and that the most important things for me are happiness, health, peace, love, and joy.
I’ve found that wealth follows all that stuff, that dogs are the ultimate animal companion, that sharing hardship with one good friend is better than dining in luxury with a hundred, and that the highest quality people and experiences come to you when you focus on doing your best in life.
I’ve found I’d rather have less than more and that the adage, “The more you know the less you need” rings true for me.
Thought you’d dig it. Been listening to a lot of Willie Nelson lately, I’ve found he always affects my mood towards freedom, hobo style. It’s a good thing if I can keep a handle on it.